San Gorgonio is the tallest mountain in Southern California and I have always wanted to hike it. So we planned to do it on July 3rd. We got up at 4:oo am on Friday and picked up our babysitter. (She is a wonderful girl who loves to hike too and understands that you need to start early to hike some mountains.) Then we drove to the trail head at Vivian Creek. At about 5:50 we were hiking. The picture is us smiling because we have not started hiking yet.
Here is a pictures of the switchbacks that are at the start of the trail. The first mile is a grueling climb off the valley floor full of very steep switchbacks.

This is a picture looking up at the Yucaipa Ridge.

Here is a picture looking at the San Gabriel Mountains from the switchbacks. Isn't it beautiful?

After the killer switchbacks you come upon a meadow and creek called Vivian Creek. It is beautiful up there. There is a creek running and some very tall Ponderosa and Cedar trees with very wide bases. The trail levels out and becomes enjoyable. There were wildflowers everywhere! We enjoyed looking at the flowers and decided to keep hiking a bit further before stopping for breakfast. We hiked along the creek which was dry in this area. The trail is easy with gentle elevation gains and seems to be a little Roley.

We kept thinking we would wait and eat at Halfway Camp but Mountain Man and I got hungry and so we stopped on a rock and ate our muffins. While we were eating a hippie man passed us. I was surprised by the number of people hiking by themselves. Have these people never heard that taking a buddy is always a good idea?
After our breakfast we had energy and we continued to hike past half way camp. Here the creek came above ground for the camp. After half-way point the trail turns into a couple of very long switchbacks. The trail has been remade from when Mountain Man hiked it and we loved the views of Yucaipa Ridge and then when we went the other way we could see into the canyon.
We stopped at high creek and pumped water and took a short break. Then we headed up the silliest switchbacks ever. I was kind of glad they were so shallow and flat because I got a really bad headache from altitude but Excedrin saved me!

This is a great picture of San Bernardino peak

After awhile the trail switched into the alpine and the trail became very steep. Then our endurance set in and we trudged along for a long ways up the shoulder. I knew that we couldn't see the top based on past experiences but I kept imagining that the top was just right over there.

Finally Mountain Man showed me the top of the mountain. I could see some people standing there and knew that it was the top. I was pretty excited to see it. San Gorgonio is 11,500 feet and the trail is 8 miles each way. The elevation gain is 5500 feet. It was the longest accent to the top of a mountain I have done so far and I am very proud of the accomplishment.
This is the top of the mountain right there and yes I am excited to see it!

We made it!

Mountain Man looking like the rugged mountaineer that he is.

This is a picture of the big tree in the meadow on the way down.

The hike down was the standard hike down from the top of a mountain. I hike too slow down hill trying to be sure of each step and it takes much longer than it should. I was grateful for the trekking pole which seemed to help some with hiking a little faster. We stopped at high creek again and got more water and rested. We passed a lot of people heading up to the top. Mountain Man talked to and instructed lots of them while I just wanted to keep hiking. My knees hurt like crazy the last mile and I really wanted to sit down and cry a little but instead just kept hiking. We made it to the parking lot and sat down in the car glad that we were done for the day.
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