Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Deep Creek Narrows


  1. The Deep Creek Narrows is a somewhat obscure destination in the San Bernardino National Forest. It's access is from side streets, and it's visibility is low from just about anywhere. The only way to go there and see it is to...go there and see it. I will soon post directions on how to get there. You know you have arrived when the ground drops away in all directions. You stand atop 100' granite walls in a forest and stream setting. This makes a good stopping point for most becuase further navigation can be, and often is, hazardous. Whether you stay atop or down-climb to the river, the majesty of gravity-defying granite looms. Deep Creek rarely goes dry at this point in the watershed, so running water and some rapids add to the serenity of this hike. For those willing to risk the downclimb to water's edge, swimming is possible (though the water is typically too cold for extended enjoyment). You will be rewarded in this short hike. Please remember normal outdoor and trail etiquette as this area is sensitive to abuse of all forms. IF you see some trash, please have the heart to pack it out and dispose of it.

    Approach description coming soon.

  2. As promised...

    To arrive at the Deep Creek Narrows, take HWY 330 to Running Springs. In Running Springs, continue on HWY 18 East for a very short distance to Hunsaker Way. This intersection is marked by a Union 76 gas station. Turn north (left) on Hunsaker Way and follow a short distance to West Drive. West Drive goes down some pretty steep hills, and then up some pretty steep hills. Where West Drive ends, you can only proceed right (eastward) on Cove Circle. Follow Cove Circle about 500 feet to the high point of the road where a dirt parking area is surrounded by cable barrier. Park here.

    Keep in mind, this route description is intended to be informational only and is not intended to serve as a replacement for good decision making, experience, or affirmitive direction in the outdoors. If you are incapable of navigating wilderness, please bring a friend or individual experienced and competent with basic outdoor skills. Never attempt to do something beyond your ability. With that..

    To begin hiking, follow the dirt road/trail that bares to hiker's left. The road varies in width and visibility, but is genrally navigable without difficulty. Many side-trails will probably be encountered, but stay centered on the most prevelant trail. After about 8 or 10 minutes, you should find yourself near the rear of some commercial properties and along a small drainage perhaps with some water flowing. Again, several more trails criss cross the land, but if you stay on the trail that is generally parallel to the tiny creek, you will not go astray. Follow this trail about 3 or 4 more minutes. Eventually you will get to a point where the trail begins to steepen downward. From this point onward, it is imperative that you exercise precaution to avoid slipping/falling and getting injured. Follow the spine of the ridge to a collection of granite boulders afterwhich obvious trail ends and the terrain is uncomfortably steep on all sides. This is the Narrows. Read the description above for more information about what to expect when you arrive. Enjoy your trip, please - as always, feel free to inquire of more information if needed.
